

瑞典斯德哥爾摩大學經濟學 博士
>臺北市立大學市政管理學院 院長
>臺北市立大學都會產業經營與行銷學系 教授
臺北市立大學都會產業經營與行銷學系 副教授
臺北市立大學都會產業經營與行銷學系 助理教授
逢甲大學經濟系 副教授
逢甲大學經濟系 助理教授

>Li-Ju Chen* (2023), “What Determines Voting for Women Candidates? An Analysis in Taiwan Councilor Elections,” Asian Women, 39, 2, 69-91.

Goh, Soo Khoon*, Koi Nyen Wong, Robert McNown, and Li-Ju Chen (2023), “Long-run Macroeconomic Consequences of Taiwan's Aging Labor Force: An Analysis of Policy Options,” Journal of Policy Modeling, 45, 1, 121-138.

Chen, Li-Ju* (2021), “Female Policymakers and Educational Expenditures: Cross-Country Evidence,” European Journal of Law and Economics, 51, 1, 129-155. 

Chen, Li-Ju* (2020), “Weather Conditions and Electoral Outcomes in Taiwan,” Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 27, 6, 703-716.

Chen, Li-Ju* (2019), “ The Effect of Female Labor Supply on Vote Choice in Taiwanese Elections,” Asian Women, 35, 1, 47-70.

Chen, Li-Ju* (2016), “Women in Politics: A New Instrument for Studying the Impact of Education on Growth,” Journal of Economics and Management,12, 2, 251-275.

Chen, Li-Ju* and Yen-Ling Lin (2015), “Does Air Pollution Respond to Petroleum Price?” International Journal of Applied Economics,12, 2, 104-125.

Hu, Shih-Wen, Li-Ju Chen*, Vey Wang, Meng-Yi Tai, Lee-Jung Lu, and Chiu-Yue Lin (2015), “Energy Policies and Food Prices,” Journal of Economics and Management,11, 47-68.

Yan, Ho-Don*, Li-Ju Chen, and Yi-Hen Tseng (2014), “Capital Inflow, Foreign Exchange Intervention, and Currency Misalignment in Emerging Market Countries,” China Economic Policy Review, 3, 2, 1-30.

Chen, Li-Ju*, Shih-Wen Hu, Vey Wang, Jiandong Wen, and Chusheng Ye (2014), “The Effects of Purchasing and Price Subsidy Policies for Agricultural Products under Target Zones,” Economic Modelling, 43, 439-447.

Chen, Li-Ju*, Lee-Jung Lu, Meng-Yi Tai, Shih-Wen Hu, and Vey Wang (2014), “Energy Structure, Energy Policy, and Economically Sustainable Development,” International Review of Economics and Finance, 34, 203-210.

Chao, Chi-Chur*, Li-Ju Chen, Shih-Wen Hu, Ching-Yi Huang, and Vey Wang (2014), “Stock Prices, Foreign Reserves and Regime Collapse,” Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 21, 207-225.

Chen, Li-Ju* (2013), “Do Female Politicians Influence Public Spending? Evidence from Taiwan,” International Journal of Applied Economics,10, 2, 32-51.

Chen, Li-Ju* (2013), “Impact of Female Legislators on Support for Honest Government,” International Journal of Development Issues, 12, 2, 158-174.

Chen, Li-Ju*, Chusheng Ye, Shih-Wen Hu, Vey Wang, and Jiandong Wen (2013), “The Effect of a Target Zone on the Stabilization of Agricultural Prices and Farmers' Nominal Income,” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics,38, 1, 34-47.

Jang, Show-Ling, Li-Ju Chen*, Jennifer H. Chen, and Yu-Chieh Chiu (2013), “Innovation and Production in the Global Solar Photovoltaic Industry,” Scientometrics, 94, 3, 1021-1036.

Chen, Li-Ju* (2010), “Do Gender Quotas Influence Women’s Representation and Policies?” European Journal of Comparative Economics, 7, 1, 13-30.

>MOST Grant (MOST106-2410-H-845-001), 2017/08/01-2018/07/31

>MOST Grant (MOST105-2410-H-845-001), 2016/08/01-2017/07/31

>MOST Grant (MOST104-2410-H-845-022), 2015/08/01-2016/07/31

>MOST Grant (MOST104-2420-H-002-016-MY3-Y10409), 2015/01/01-2015/06/30

>Feng Chia University Grant (14I42329), 2014-2015

>Feng Chia University Grant (13I02463), 2013-2014

>Feng Chia University Grant (12G27187), 2012-2013

>NSC Grant (NSC100-2410-H-035-031), 2011/08/01-2012/07/31

>NSC Grant (NSC99-2410-H-035-016), 2010/08/01-2011/07/31

>NSC Grant (NSC98-2410-H-035-040), 2009/08/01-2010/07/31