

國立臺灣大學化學工程 博士
國立成功大學化學工程 碩士
>太陽能電池     微乳化合成
>人工光合成     能源儲存
臺北市立大學師資培育及職涯發展中心 主任2023-至今
臺北市立大學應用物理暨化學系 副教授2018-至今
國立臺灣大學光電所 博士後研究員2013-2014
國立臺灣大學凝態科學研究中心 博士後研究員2015-2016
國立臺灣大學化學系 博士後研究員2016-2017
>中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所 博士後學者.2017-2018
>C. P. Lee, C. T. Li, and K. C. Ho,“Use of Organic Materials for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, Mater. Today 20 (2017) 267-283. (Impact factor:24.537; Rank: 5/285 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Citation: 7)

C. P. Lee, K. Y. Lai, C. A. Lin, C. T. Li, K. C. Ho, C. I. Wu, S. P. Lau and J. H. He,“A paper-based electrode using a graphene dot/PEDOT:PSS composite for flexible solar cells”, Nano Energy 36 (2017) 260-267. (Impact factor: 13.120; Rank: 15/285 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Citation: 19)

C. P. Lee, Wei-Fu Chen, Tadesse Billo, Yan-Gu Lin, Fang-Yu Fu, Satya·N Samireddi, Chih-Hao Lee, Jih-Shang Hwang, Kuei-Hsien Chen and Li-Chyong Chen,“Beaded−Stream−like CoSe2 Nanoneedles Array for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysis”, J. Mater. Chem. A. 4 (2016) 4553-4561. (Impact factor: 9.931; Rank: 20/275 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Citation: 30)

C. P. Lee, C. A. Lin, T. C. Wei, M. L. Tsai, Y. Meng, C. T. Li, K. C. Ho, C. I. Wu, S. P. Lau and J. H. He, “Economical low– light photovoltaics by using the Pt–free dye–sensitized solar cell with graphene dot/PEDOT:PSS counter electrodes”, Nano Energy 18 (2015) 109-117. (Impact factor: 13.120; Rank: 15/285 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Citation: 25)

C. P. Lee, Lunet Luna, Steven DelaCruz, Carlo Carraro, and Roya Maboudian,“Hierarchical Cobalt Oxide–decorated Silicon Carbide Nanowire Arrays for Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction”, Materials Today Energy 7 (2018) 37-43. (Impact factor: N.A.; Rank: N.A.; Citation: 0)

C. P. Lee, C. T. Li, M. S. Fan, Huang, Yi-June, S. R. Li, L. Y. Chang, Chuan-Ming Tseng, S. S. Sun, Jiang-Jen Lin, and K. C. Ho,“Microemulsion-assisted Zinc Oxide Synthesis: Morphology Control and its Applications in Photoanodes of Organic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, Electrochim. Acta. 210 (2016) 483-491. (Impact factor: 5.116; Rank: 5/28 in Electrochemistry; Citation: 4)

C. P. Lee, R. Y. Y. Lin, L. Y. Lin, C. T. Li, T. C. Chu, S. S. Sun, J. T. Lin and K. C. Ho,“Recent progress in organic sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells”, RSC Adv. 5 (2015) 23810-23825. (Impact factor: 2.936; Rank: 71/171 in Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Citation: 101)-----Highly cited paper

C. P. Lee, P. Y. Chen, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho,“Iodine-free high efficient quasi solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell containing ionic liquid and polyaniline-loaded carbon black”, J. Mater. Chem. 20 (2010) 2356-2361. (Impact factor: 6.626; Rank: 22/251 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Citation: 83)-----Highly cited paper

>C. P. Lee, L. Y. Lin, P. Y. Chen, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho,“All-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells incorporating SWCNTs and crystal growth inhibitor”, J. Mater. Chem. 20 (2010) 3619-3625. (Impact factor: 6.626; Rank: 22/251 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Citation: 51)-Highly cited paper

>Chi-Ang Tseng‡ , Chuan-Pei Lee ‡ ( ‡Equal contribution), Y. J. Huang, Hao-Wei Pang, K. C. Ho, and Yit-Tsong Chen, “One-step synthesis of graphene hollow nanoballs with various nitrogen-doped states for electrocatalysis in dye-sensitized solar cells”, Materials Today Energy 8 (2018) 15-21. (Impact factor: N.A.; Rank: N.A.; Citation: 0)

>L. Y. Chang‡ , C. P. Lee‡ ( ‡Equal contribution), C. T. Li, M. H. Yeh, K. C. Ho and J. J. Lin,“Synthesis of A Novel Amphiphilic Polymeric Ionic Liquid and Its Application in Quasi–Solid–State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, J. Mater. Chem. A 2 (2014) 20814-20822. (Impact factor: 9.931; Rank: 20/285 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Citation: 16)

>C. T. Li‡ , C. P. Lee‡ ( ‡Equal contribution), C. T. Lee, S. R. Li, S. S. Sun and K. C. Ho,“Iodide-Free Ionic Liquid with Dual Redox Couples for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with High Open-Circuit Voltage”, ChemSusChem 8 (2015) 1244-1253. (Impact factor: 7.411; Rank: 24/171 in Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Citation: 12)

>*C. P. Lee, K. M. Lee, P. Y. Chen and K. C. Ho,“On the addition of conducting ceramic nanoparticles in solvent-free ionic liquids for dye-sensitized solar cells”, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 93 (2009) 1411-1416. (Impact factor: 5.018; Rank: 17/97 in Energy & Fuels; Citation: 33)

>K. M. Lee, P. Y. Chen, C. P. Lee and K. C. Ho,“Binary room-temperature ionic liquids based electrolytes solidified with SiO2 nanoparticles for dye-sensitized solar cells”, J. Power Sources 190 (2009) 573-577. (Impact factor: 6.945; Rank: 9/97 in Energy & Fuels; Citation: 37)

*C. P. Lee, P. Y. Chen, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho,“Iodine-free high efficient quasi solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell containing ionic liquid and polyaniline-loaded carbon black”, J. Mater. Chem. 20 (2010) 2356-2361. (Impact factor: 6.626; Rank: 22/251 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Citation: 83)

*C. P. Lee, L. Y. Lin, P. Y. Chen, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho,“All-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells incorporating SWCNTs and crystal growth inhibitor”, J. Mater. Chem. 20 (2010) 3619-3625. (Impact factor: 6.626; Rank: 22/251 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Citation: 51)

*C. P. Lee, P. Y. Chen, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho,“Enhanced performance of a dye-sensitized solar cell with the incorporation of titanium carbide in the TiO2 matrix”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 (2010) 9249 - 9255. (Impact factor: 3.906; Rank: 9/36 in Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical; Citation: 7)

J. H. Huang, C. P. Lee, Z. Y. Ho, D. Kekuda, C. W. Chu and Kuo-Chuan Ho,“Enhanced spectral response in polymer bulk heterojunction solar cells by using active materials with complementary spectra”, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 94 (2010) 22-28. (Impact factor: 5.018; Rank: 17/97 in Energy & Fuels; Citation: 27)

P. Y. Chen, C. P. Lee, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho,“A quasi solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell containing binary ionic liquid and polyaniline-loaded carbon black”, J. Power Sources 195 (2010) 3933-3938. (Impact factor: 6.945; Rank: 9/97 in Energy & Fuels; Citation: 52)

L. Y. Lin, C. P. Lee, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho,“Selective conditions for the fabrication of a flexible dye-sensitized solar cell with Ti/TiO2 photoanode”, J. Power Sources 195 (2010) 4344-4349. (Impact factor: 6.945; Rank: 9/97 in Energy & Fuels; Citation: 51)

J. Y. Li, C. Y. Chen, C. P. Lee, S. C. Chen, T. H. Lin, H. H. Tsai, K. C. Ho, and C. G. Wu, “Unsymmetrical squaraines incorporating the thiophene unit for panchromatic dye-sensitized solar cells”, Org. Lett. 12 (2010) 5454-5457. (Impact factor: 6.492; Rank: 3/57 in Chemistry, Organic; Citation: 79)

L. Y. Lin, P. C. Nien, C. P. Lee, K. W. Tsai, M. H. Yeh, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho,“Low-temperature flexible photoanode and net-like Pt counter electrode for improving the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells”, J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (2010) 21808-21815. (Impact factor: 4.484; Rank: 54/285 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Citation: 31)

*C. P. Lee, L. Y. Lin, K. W. Tsai, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho,“Enhanced performance of dye-sensitized solar cell with thermally-treated TiN in its TiO2 film prepared at low-temperature”, J. Power Sources 196 (2011) 1632-1638. (Impact factor: 6.945; Rank: 9/97 in Energy & Fuels; Citation: 15)

> *C. P. Lee, M. H. Yeh, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho,“Solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell with a charge transfer layer comprising two ionic liquids and a carbon material”, J. Mater. Chem. 21 (2011) 15471-15478. (Impact factor: 6.626; Rank: 22/251 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Citation: 19)

*C. P. Lee, J. C. Lin, Y. C. Wang, C. Y. Chou, M. H. Yeh, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho,“Synthesis of hexagonal ZnO clubs with opposite faces of unequal dimensions for the photoanode of dye-sensitized solar cells”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (2011) 20999-21008. (Impact factor: 3.906; Rank: 9/36 in Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical; Citation: 7) 15. L. Y. Lin, C. P. Lee, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho, “Improving the durability of dye-sensitized solar cells through back-illumination”, J. Power Sources 196 (2011) 1671-1676. (Impact factor: 6.945; Rank: 9/97 in Energy & Fuels; Citation: 17)

C. Y. Chou, C. P. Lee, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho,“Efficient quantum dot-sensitized solar cell with polystyrene-modified TiO2 photoanode and with guanidine thiocyanate in its polysulfide electrolyte”, J. Power Sources 196 (2011) 6595-6602. (Impact factor: 6.945; Rank: 9/97 in Energy & Fuels; Citation: 19)

D. Kumar, K. R. Justin Thomas, C. P. Lee, and K. C. Ho,“Novel pyrenoimidazole-based organic dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells”, Org. Lett. 13 (2011) 2622-2625. (Impact factor: 6.492; Rank: 3/57 in Chemistry, Organic; Citation: 53)

> A. Baheti, P. Singh, C. P. Lee, K. R. Justin Thomas, and K. C. Ho, “2,7-Diaminofluorene-based organic dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells: effect of auxiliary donor on optical and electrochemical properties”, J. Org. Chem. 76 (2011) 4910-4920. (Impact factor: 4.805 ; Rank: 9/57 in Chemistry, Organic; Citation: 79)

A. Baheti, C. P. Lee, K. R. Justin Thomas, and K. C. Ho, “Pyrene-based organic dyes with thiophene containing π-linkers for dye-sensitized solar cells: optical, electrochemical and theoretical investigations”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (2011) 17210-17221. (Impact factor: 3.906; Rank: 9/36 in Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical; Citation: 38)

H. W. Chen, K. C. Huang, C. Y. Hsu, C. Y. Lin, J. G. Chen, C. P. Lee, L. Y. Lin, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho, “Electrophoretic deposition of TiO2 film on titanium foil for a flexible dye-sensitized solar cell”, Electrochim. Acta 56 (2011) 7991-7998. (Impact factor: 5.116; Rank: 5/28 in Electrochemistry; Citation: 27)

M. H. Yeh, L. Y. Lin, C. P. Lee, H. Y. Wei, C. Y. Chen, C. G. Wu, R. Vittal, and K. C. Ho,“A composite catalytic film of PEDOT:PSS/TiN-NPs on a flexible counter electrode substrate for a dye-sensitized solar cell”, J. Mater. Chem. 21 (2011) 19021-19029. (Impact factor: 6.626; Rank: 22/251 in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary; Citation: 52)

M. H. Yeh, C. P. Lee, L. Y. Lin, P. C. Nien, P. Y. Chen, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho,“A composite poly(3,3-diethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-thieno-[3,4-b][1,4]-dioxepine) and Pt film as a counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells”, Electrochim. Acta 56 (2011) 6157-6164. (Impact factor: 5.116; Rank: 5/28 in Electrochemistry; Citation: 15)

M. H. Yeh, C. P. Lee, C. Y. Chou, L. Y. Lin, H. Y. Wei, C. W. Chu, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho,“Conducting polymer-based counter electrodes for a quantum-dot-sensitized solar cell (QDSSC) with a polysulfide electrolyte”, Electrochim. Acta 57 (2011) 277-284. (Impact factor: 5.116; Rank: 5/28 in Electrochemistry; Citation: 66)

L. Y. Lin, M. H. Yeh, C. P. Lee, Y. H. Chen, R. Vittal and K. C. Ho,“Metal-based flexible TiO2 photoanode with titanium oxide nanotubes as the underlayer for enhancement of performance of a dye-sensitized solar cell”, Electrochim. Acta 57 (2011) 270-276. (Impact factor: 5.116; Rank: 5/28 in Electrochemistry; Citation: 16)

(a) Solar cells:
     (i)Electrode materials (TMDs, conducting polymers, graphene, quantum dots, carbide, nitride, metal oxides, etc.)
     (ii)Electrolyte materials (Ionic liquids/crystals, gel-polymer, etc.)
     (iii)Thin film preparation & characterization; Surface modification process

(b) Microemulsions synthesis (Construction of phase diagram, size & morphology control of


(c) Artificial photosynthesis (solar water-splitting, OER, HER, Carbon dioxide reduction, etc.)

(d) Energy storage (supercapacitors)

(e) Carbon & conducting polymer-based flexible electronics

(f) LP/AP CVD-synthesized SiC, C & graphene for harsh environment applications