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Assistant Professor
Department of Urban Development


Ph.D. in Land Economics, National Chengchi University
Master's in Urban Planning, National Chung Hsing University
B.S., Urban Planning, National Cheng Kung University

Urban Planning
Regional Planning
Land Development
National Spatial Planning
Industrial Land Planning
Analysis of Firm's Location Behavior

Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Development, University of Taipei · 2021-Present

Division Head, CPC Corporation, Taiwan · 2016-2021

Senior Engineer, Urban Development Bureau, Tainan City Government · 2015-2016

Section Chief, Urban Development Bureau, Taipei City Government · 2014-2015

Senior Engineer and Section Chief, Urban and Rural Development Bureau, New Taipei City Government · 2011-2014

Technical Specialist, Industrial Development Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs · 2008-2011

>Adjunct Assistant Professor, Dept. of Urban Development, University of Taipei, 2018.09-2021.06

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Chinese Culture University · 2012- 2020

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chung Hua University · 2012-2013


>WANG, K.-F., LIN, S.-W., CHEN, Y.-H. * (2023). Assessing the Resilience of Industrial Areas from the Perspective of Urban Resilience and Common-Pool Resources: the Case Study Of Taiwan. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. (SCIE, *Corresponding author)

>Chiu, Y.-H., Wang, K.-F., Lin, S.-W.* (2023). Thermal Comfort, Visibility, and the Spatial Layout in Classical Gardens of Suzhou, China. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 21(3):1991-2009. (SCIE, *Corresponding author)

>Shu-Wen Lin, Kuan-Fei Wang, and Yin-Hao Chiu. (2022). Effects of Tourists’ Psychological Perceptions and Travel Choice Behaviors on the Nonmarket Value of Urban Ecotourism During the COVID-19 Pandemic- Case Study of the Maokong Region in Taiwan. Cogent Social Science, 8(1):1-35. (Scopus, Cite Score 1.5)

>Hsin-Ju Bien, Tai-Ming Ben & Kuan-Fei Wang*.(2014) Trust relationships within R&D networks: A case study from the biotechnological industry, Innovation:Management, Policy & Practice,16(3):354-373.(SSCI,* Corresponding author)

>Tai-Ming Ben, Kuan-Fei Wang.(2011) Interaction analysis among industrial parks, innovation input, and urban production efficiency, Asian Social Science ,7(5):56-71.

>Kuan-Fei Wang. (2011) Interaction Analysis among Industrial Parks, Innovation Input, and Urban Production Efficiency: A Case Study of Cities in China, Land Economics Annual Publication, 22:1-37.

>Kuan-Fei Wang. (2011) A Study of Enterprise Groups' Investing Locational Choices between Home Country and Host Country, Land Economics Annual Publication, 22:39-76.

>Kuan-Fei Wang*, Tai-Ming Ben.(2010) Study on Location Selection of the Enterprises’ Reinvestment in Home-Country, Architecture and Planning,  11(3):193-220.(* Corresponding author)

>Kuan-Fei Wang. (2005) The Influences of Yunlin Offshore Industrial Park and Industrial Competitiveness from the Viewpoint of the Industrial Cluster: A case study of the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Project of the Formosa Plastics Group in Taiwan, Land Issues Research Quarterly, 4(4):81-90.

>Cheng-Min Feng, Pin-Yi Tseng, Kuan-Fei Wang*.(1994) Impact of Rail Rapid Transit System on Housing Price in the Station Area, Journal of City and Planning, 21(1): 24-25.(TSSCI, * Corresponding author)


>Chu-Chiao Lin and Kuan-Fei Wang.(2022), The Impact of Transit-oriented Development on Housing Price:Review the Taipei MRT Tamsui–Xinyi Line, 2022 the 26th Forum on Land Use and Planning. Tainan, Taiwan ROC.

>Yi-Chuan Tang and Kuan-Fei Wang. (2022), How spatial design of sports park influence users behavior -Take Tianmu Sports Park as an example, 2022 the 14th Conference for Urban and Rural Business. Taipei, Taiwan ROC.

>Kuan-Fei Wang et al. (2010) The Impact Analysis on the Development of Yunlin Offshore Industrial Park, Social Economics and Fishery Economics, 2010 Conference of Environmental Monitoring Results of Yunlin Offshore Industrial Park.

>Kuan-Fei Wang, Kuo,Hui Lan. (2006), Regional Innovation: a study of firms’ R&D inputs and innovation performances, 4th Land Research Academic Conference, 2006.

>Kuan-Fei Wang, Che-Cheng Chen. (2003), A study of Industrial Types and Location Selection of the Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms’ Investment in China, 1st Land Research Academic Conference, 2003.