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Associate Professor
Department of Health and Welfare


Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Essex
Master's in Labor Studies, National Chung Cheng University

Integrated Care
Gender and Work
Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Social Work Practice Research
Digital Transformation of Volunteer Research
Health and Welfare Policies for Vulnerable Groups

Chair, Department of Health and Welfare, University of Taipei

Chief Secretary, Secretariat, University of Taipei

Associate Professor, Department of Health and Welfare, University of Taipei

Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Public Health, National Cheng Kung University

Project Assistant Professor, Center for General Education, Taipei Medical University

Director, Taiwan Association for Promoting Public Health

Project Assistant Professor, Institute of Health and Welfare, National Yang-Ming University

IRB Member, Taipei City Hospital Research Ethics Committee

Executive Secretary, Humanities and Innovation College, Taipei City Hospital


>Wu, YL., Lin, TW., Yang, CY. Wang, SSC. Huang, SJ. Urban people’s preferences for life-sustaining treatment or artificial nutrition and hydration in advance decisions. BMC Med Ethics 25, 59 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12910-024-01060-w (SSCI/SCIE)

>Wu, Yi-Ling, Chun-Yi Yang, Tsai-Wen Lin, Pei-Han Shen, Zong-Dar Tsai, Ching-Nu Liu, Chia-Chen Hsu, Samuel Shih-Chih Wang, and Sheng-Jean Huang. 2023. "Factors Impacting Advance Decision Making and Health Care Agent Appointment among Taiwanese Urban Residents after the Passage of Patient Right to Autonomy Act" Healthcare 11, no. 10: 1478. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare11101478

>Yi-Ling Wu, Tsai-Wen Lin, Chun-Yi Yang & Samuel Shih-Chih Wang (2022) Demographics, employment, and proximity to covid-19 as predictors of preparedness among Taiwanese health social workers, Social Work in Health Care, DOI: 10.1080/00981389.2022.2147627

>Liu, C.-J., C.-Y. Yang, Y.-L. Chen, S. Shih-Chih Wang, C.-M. Chu, M.-H. Hsieh, S.-J. Huang, Y.-P. Chang, and C.-C. Hsu, Prompt successful response to a COVID-19 outbreak: Performance of Community-Based Rapid Screening Station. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfma.2022.01.019 (SCI)

>Liu, C.-J.; Huang, S.-J.; Wang, S.S.-C. Implementation of Compassionate Communities: The Taipei Experience. Healthcare , 2022, 10, 177. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare10010177. (SCI)

>Yi-Ling Wu, Tsai-Wen Lin, Samuel Shih-Chih Wang (2019, Jan). How do Volunteer’s Experiences of Organizational Facilitators Influence Their Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Example of Hospital Volunteers. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. (Accepted). (SSCI, 85/386; Business and International Management list).

>Timothy Sim, Tak Mau Simon Chan, Martin Chok, Ke Cui, Samuel S. C. Wang, Fazlin Abdullah & Keith Wong (2018, Nov). Contextualising the development of practice research in Asia. China Journal of Social Work, 11(2), 116-131. (Scopus).

>Wang, S. S.-C., Huang, C.-M., Feng, R.-C., Wu, Y.-L., & Huang, S.-J. (2018, Nov). Validation of a concise screening tool for the identification of palliative care needs among inpatients: A prospective study in hospital setting. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, XX, 1-8 (Available online 28 November 2018). (SCI).

>Sim, T., Austin, M., Abdullah, F., Chan, T. M. S., Chok, M., Cui, K., Epstein, I., Fisher, M., Joubert, L., Julkunen, I., Ow, R., Uggerhøj, L., Wang, S., Webber, M., Wong, K., Yliruka, L. (2018, Jun). The Hong Kong Statement on Practice Research 2017: Contexts and Challenges of the Far East.. Research on Social Work Practice, Available online 15 June 2018. (SSCI).

>Tien, L.-C., Wu, Y.-L., Lin, T.-W., & Wang, S. (2016, Dec). Different Perceptions of Collaboration and Its Factors among Interprofessional Members in One-Stop Sexual Assault Victims Service Team in Taiwan. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 31(01), 98-104. . (SCI).

>Huang, S.-J., Wang, S. S.-C., Lee, O. K.-S., Woung, L.-C., Chu, D.-C., Huang, T.-C., Liu, C.-K., Hsiao, S.-H., Huang, H.-M., Kao, M-J, Yang, W., Yang, T.-W., Hsu, C.-H., Chi, L-Y., Kuo, L.-L., Chang, Y.-S., Chiu, T.-F., Huang, M.-C., Curtis, J. R. (2016, Sep). 2016 Taipei Declaration for Prevention of Suffering. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 19(12), 1243-1244.. (SCI). (Q1).

>Yueh-Ching Chou, Shih-Chih Wang, Heng-Hao Chang, Li-yeh Fu (2014, Jan). Working but not employed: mothers of adults with intellectual disability as hidden workers. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 39.4 (2014): 353-362.. (SCI). SSCI(IF=1.098) (33/66=.5)(NSC98-2621-M-010-001).


>Wang, S., Tien, L.-C., & Wu, Y.-L., Lin, (2017, May). Cut paths through the mountains and build bridges across the rivers": Practice research collaboration in Taiwan. The 4th International Conference on Practice Research (ICPR2017).

>Sameul Shih-Chih Wang, Yi-Ling Wu, Li-Chu Tien (2016, Jun). How Do Volunteer’s Experiences of Organizational Facilitation Influence Their Satisfaction, Loyalty and Identification: Hospital Volunteers in Taiwan. 8th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health (ICSW 2016), Singapore.

>Yi-Ling Wu, Li-Chu Tien, Sameul Shih-Chih Wang (2016, Jun). Different Perceptions of Collaboration and Its Influencing Factors among Social Worker and other Professional Members in the One-Stop Service for Sexual Assault Victims. 8 th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health (ICSW 2016), Singapore.

>Ching-Lin Chen, Sameul Shih-Chih Wang, Hsiang-Lin Tseng, Wen-Chun Yang, Chen Ho, Hsin-Yi Lu, Hsiao-fan Chiang (2014, Jun). Case study of welfare dependency in hospital setting through clinical-data mining. Third International Conference on Practice Research, New York.

>Sameul Shih-Chih Wang, Ching-Nu Li, Chien-Hui Wu (2014, Jun). The dilemma of ‘firing’ older volunteers: a fruitful negotiation between practice and research. Third International Conference on Practice Research, New York.

劉嘉仁、吳怡伶、王實之、陳慈惠、葉德君、潘佩君、吳淑雯、陸侶君、復采蘋、徐愫萱、黃遵誠、黃勝堅 (20186月)。慈悲關懷社區的發展經驗。北市醫學雜誌,15, 22-34. 。

王實之、劉嘉仁、吳怡伶、趙康邑、黃遵誠、黃勝堅 (2017年11月)。推動高價值醫療之策略的國際發展與北市聯醫的經驗。北市醫學雜誌,14 (SP),1-16。

趙康邑、王實之、黃遵誠、翁林仲、李光申、璩大成、朱昭美、 劉嘉仁、黃勝堅 (20176月)。北市聯醫推廣健康識能之現況。北市醫學雜誌,14 (2)224-233。doi:10.6200。

劉嘉仁、吳怡伶、陳慈惠、黃勝堅、黃世傑、林軒璋、陳家蕎、王實之、黃遵誠、徐愫萱 (2016年6月)。臺北市血中鉛篩檢方案之民眾風險認知、態度與政策滿意度研究。北市醫學雜誌,13 (2),181-198。

王實之、黃肇明、翁林仲、王如娥、黃勝堅 (2016年6月)。P4醫學精神在居家醫療整合照護的實踐-北市聯醫的經驗。北市醫學雜誌,13 (2),248-262。

劉嘉仁、徐愫萱、翁瑞萱、朱昭美、黃肇明、吳美慧、王實之、黃遵誠、黃勝堅 (20156月)。里長在社區安寧志工的角色。北市醫學雜誌,12(SP),109-115。

田麗珠、吳怡伶、劉靜女、林素妃、陳靜琳、林欣儀、李慶真、王實之 (2015年6月)。社會工作者在社區安寧療護之角色。北市醫學雜誌,12 (SP),35-45。

>王實之、田麗珠 (2015年11月)。開路架橋—臺灣社會工作實務研究現況回顧與展望台灣社會工作實務研究現況回顧與展望。為生命強化專業—專科化的醫務社會工作教育發展,第二屆華人地區醫務社會工作研討會,臺北市。

>王實之、劉靜女、吳芊慧 (2013年12月)。志願工作與老化的概念化困境—從高齡志工的退場機制談起。臺灣社會的再轉型:與東亞國家之比較-2013年。臺灣社會學年會暨國科會專題研究成果發表會。

>劉靜女、吳芊慧、王實之 (2013年10月)。志願工作與老化的雙重社會意義—高齡志工退場機制的困境。Love, Hope, Profession: 全球化思潮下的醫務社會工作發展第一屆華人地區醫務社會工作研討會輔仁大學。

>林欣儀、田麗珠、王實之 (2013年10月)。乳癌病友團體的發展歷程分析—以一位醫務社會工作者觀察。Love, Hope, Profession: 全球化思潮下的醫務社會工作發展第一屆華人地區醫務社會工作研討會、輔仁大學。

>林欣儀、朱彩鳳、王實之 (2013年10月)。社工倫理、專業價值與福利資源審核的困境。Love, Hope, Profession: 全球化思潮下的醫務社會工作發展第一屆華人地區醫務社會工作研討會、輔仁大學。

>王實之、劉靜女、吳芊慧 (2013年10月)。志願工作與老化的概念化困境—從高齡志工的退場機制談起。Love, Hope, Profession: 全球化思潮下的醫務社會工作發展第一屆華人地區醫務社會工作研討會。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。

>陳靜琳、何宜臻、江筱凡、楊文君、盧欣宜、曾湘玲、王實之 (2013年10月)。社會福利資源依賴型個案成因探究—以臺北市立聯合醫院為例。Love, Hope, Profession: 全球化思潮下的醫務社會工作發展第一屆華人地區醫務社會工作研討會輔仁大學。


The evaluation of interprofessional collaboration of MHW in 2018 (Ministry of Health and Welfare)

The evaluation of individual and group counseling  of homeless in 2018 (Dept. of Social Welfare, Taipei City Government)

Organizational factors, motivation and its influence on satisfactions of hospital volunteer: a study on Taipei City Hospital (Dept. of Health, Taipei City Government)

A comprehensive performance evaluation of hospital volunteer: a study on Taipei City Hospital (Dept. of Health, Taipei City Government)

Assessing the outcome of the NHI integrated home medical care pilot project (Dept. of Health, Taipei City Government)

The analysis of the effectiveness of inter-professional collaborated service for Respiratory Care Ward (Taipei City Hospital)