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Assistant Professor
Department of Urban Development


Ph.D., Institute of Urban Planning, National Taipei University
M.S., Institute of Urban Planning, National Taipei University
B.A., Urban Planning, National Cheng Kung University

Land Use Change
Spatial Econometrics
National Spatial Planning
Urban System Simulation
Climate Change Adaptation
Geographic Information Technology Application

Head, Professional Growth Division, Center for Teaching and Learning Development, University of Taipei.2024-Present

Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Development, University of Taipei.2021-Present

Executive Director, Water for Society.2018-Present

Head, Information Systems Division, Computer and Network Center, University of Taipei.2023-2024

Research Assistant, Department of Real Estate and Built Environment, National Taipei University.2018-2021

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Real Estate and Built Environment, National Taipei University.2016-2018

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica.2016-2016

Project Researcher, Department of Real Estate and Built Environment, National Taipei University.2015-2015


Huang, K.-C.; Lee, C.-J.; Chan, S.-L.; Tai, C.-H., 2020. Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Strategies for the Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Land in Southern Taiwan. Sustainability 2020, 12, 4637.(SSCI, SCI, Scopus)

>Lee, Chia-Chi, Tung, Ching-Pin, Liu, Tzu-Ming, Tsao, Jung-Hsuan, Liu, Gin-Rong, Chiang, Yi-Chang, Huang, Kuo-Ching (2015) Towards an innovative interdisciplinary method for vulnerability assessments: the case of Taiwan, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 06(3): 501-517.  [SCIE, EI] [ISI Journal Impact Factor for 2013: 1.044]

>Chan, S.L., Huang, K.C. and Chang, I.H. (2007). A Study on the Integration of Urban Models and Earthquake Loss Estimation, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, Taipei, Taiwan, November, 27-29, 2007.

Huang, K.-C. and Chan, S. -L. (2014). A Study on the Land-Cover Change Indicators of Taipei Metropolitan Areas, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 18 012105. [EI, SCOPUS]

Huang, K.-C. and Huang, T. C. -C. (2014). Simulation of Land-Cover Change in Taipei Metropolitan Area under Climate Change Impact, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 18 012105. [EI, SCOPUS]

Huang, K.C., Chen, L.C., Lin, C.Y., and Chan, S.L. (2016). On the surface temperature rise simulation under different urban land use patterns. 2016 International Conference of Asia-Pacific Planning Societies, Taipei, Taiwan.

Huang, K.C. and Chan, S.L. (2014). A village-based application of landscape metrics to land-cover change – The case of Taipei metropolitan area. 2014 Asia Global Land Project Conference in Taipei, Taiwan.

Huang, K.C. and Chan, S.L. (2010). The Exploration of Land Cover Pattern Change in Taipei Metropolitan Area. International Symposium on Urban Planning 2010, Nara, Japan.

Huang, K.C. and Chan, S.L. (2009). The Land Use Change in Taipei Metropolitan Area under Climate Chang, Conference Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 2009, Tainan, Taiwan, August, 26-28, 2009.

黃國慶、詹士樑、蘇冠臻、王姿懿 (2021),臺灣都市階層體系變動趨勢之探討,都市與計劃。(TSSCI)

黃國慶、詹士樑 (2011),臺北都會區地表覆蓋變遷與空間結構之探討,國土資訊系統通訊,77:13-23。

黃國慶、詹士樑 (2009),臺北都會區土地使用/覆蓋變遷驅動力之空間近鄰效果探討,都市與計劃,第36卷,第四期,第415-443頁。[TSSCI]

>詹士樑、何明錦、章佩如、林育慈、黃國慶 (2009),氣候變遷下都市防災空間規劃之因應,「氣候變遷論叢」,第二期,第19-32頁。

>劉奕廷、許聖民、黃國慶、林幸君、張靜貞、徐世勳 (2016),傳染疾病對臺灣總體與產業經濟的影響評估-以2015年臺灣登革熱為例,2016年臺灣經濟學會年會。

>李承嘉、詹士樑、黃國慶、戴政新、吳貞儀 (2014),農地脆弱度評估及應用之研究,因應氣候變遷及糧食安全之農業創新研究—102年度成果發表暨研討會論文集。

黃國慶、詹士樑 (2013),整合規劃模型在都市周邊農地應用之研究,第十一屆土地研究學術研討會,臺北三峽。

>楊重信、黃國慶 (2012),都市擁擠對房租、住宅規模與居住密度之影響,2012年海峽兩岸區域科學交流研討會,臺北:國立政治大學。

>詹士樑、黃于芳、黃國慶 (2009),農地分區劃設與績效管制應用之研究,農地利用管理法制研討會:臺北。

>楊重信、黃國慶 (2007),臺灣城市群與廠商區位之實證,「2007年第十四屆海峽兩岸城市發展研討會論文集」,廈門。


黃國慶、李承嘉、詹士樑、葉大綱 (2020),109年度推動氣候變遷下農地資源空間規劃之農地調適策略計畫,農委會農業管理計畫。

>古宜靈、黃國慶 (2020),原台金公司濂洞廠區及廢煙道區整治場址活化利用規劃案,臺灣電力股份有限公司委託計畫。

黃國慶、李承嘉、詹士樑、葉大綱 (2019),108年度推動氣候變遷下農地資源空間規劃之農地調適策略計畫,農委會農業管理計畫。

黃國慶、詹士樑 (2019),氣候變遷下農村社區調適指標與政策研擬之研究,水保局創新研究計畫。

>葉佳宗、劉小蘭、詹士樑、陳維斌、林映辰、黃國慶 (2019),農地資源空間規劃總顧問指導計畫,農委會農業管理計畫。

>李承嘉、詹士樑、葉大綱、黃國慶 (2018),107年度推動氣候變遷下農地資源空間規劃之農地調適策略計畫,農委會農業管理計畫。