Ext. 4051 / 8513
>Head, Professional Growth Division, Center for Teaching and Learning Development, University of Taipei.2024-Present
>Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Development, University of Taipei.2021-Present
>Executive Director, Water for Society.2018-Present
>Head, Information Systems Division, Computer and Network Center, University of Taipei.2023-2024
>Research Assistant, Department of Real Estate and Built Environment, National Taipei University.2018-2021
>Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Real Estate and Built Environment, National Taipei University.2016-2018
>Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica.2016-2016
>Project Researcher, Department of Real Estate and Built Environment, National Taipei University.2015-2015
>Huang, K.-C.; Lee, C.-J.; Chan, S.-L.; Tai, C.-H., 2020. Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Strategies for the Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Land in Southern Taiwan. Sustainability 2020, 12, 4637.(SSCI, SCI, Scopus)
>Lee, Chia-Chi, Tung, Ching-Pin, Liu, Tzu-Ming, Tsao, Jung-Hsuan, Liu, Gin-Rong, Chiang, Yi-Chang, Huang, Kuo-Ching (2015) Towards an innovative interdisciplinary method for vulnerability assessments: the case of Taiwan, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 06(3): 501-517. [SCIE, EI] [ISI Journal Impact Factor for 2013: 1.044]
>Chan, S.L., Huang, K.C. and Chang, I.H. (2007). A Study on the Integration of Urban Models and Earthquake Loss Estimation, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, Taipei, Taiwan, November, 27-29, 2007.
>Huang, K.-C. and Chan, S. -L. (2014). A Study on the Land-Cover Change Indicators of Taipei Metropolitan Areas, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 18 012105. [EI, SCOPUS]
>Huang, K.-C. and Huang, T. C. -C. (2014). Simulation of Land-Cover Change in Taipei Metropolitan Area under Climate Change Impact, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 18 012105. [EI, SCOPUS]
>Huang, K.C., Chen, L.C., Lin, C.Y., and Chan, S.L. (2016). On the surface temperature rise simulation under different urban land use patterns. 2016 International Conference of Asia-Pacific Planning Societies, Taipei, Taiwan.
>Huang, K.C. and Chan, S.L. (2014). A village-based application of landscape metrics to land-cover change – The case of Taipei metropolitan area. 2014 Asia Global Land Project Conference in Taipei, Taiwan.
>Huang, K.C. and Chan, S.L. (2010). The Exploration of Land Cover Pattern Change in Taipei Metropolitan Area. International Symposium on Urban Planning 2010, Nara, Japan.
>Huang, K.C. and Chan, S.L. (2009). The Land Use Change in Taipei Metropolitan Area under Climate Chang, Conference Proceedings of International Symposium on City Planning 2009, Tainan, Taiwan, August, 26-28, 2009.
>黃國慶、詹士樑、蘇冠臻、王姿懿 (2021),臺灣都市階層體系變動趨勢之探討,都市與計劃。(TSSCI)
>黃國慶、詹士樑 (2011),臺北都會區地表覆蓋變遷與空間結構之探討,國土資訊系統通訊,77:13-23。
>黃國慶、詹士樑 (2009),臺北都會區土地使用/覆蓋變遷驅動力之空間近鄰效果探討,都市與計劃,第36卷,第四期,第415-443頁。[TSSCI]
>詹士樑、何明錦、章佩如、林育慈、黃國慶 (2009),氣候變遷下都市防災空間規劃之因應,「氣候變遷論叢」,第二期,第19-32頁。
>劉奕廷、許聖民、黃國慶、林幸君、張靜貞、徐世勳 (2016),傳染疾病對臺灣總體與產業經濟的影響評估-以2015年臺灣登革熱為例,2016年臺灣經濟學會年會。
>李承嘉、詹士樑、黃國慶、戴政新、吳貞儀 (2014),農地脆弱度評估及應用之研究,因應氣候變遷及糧食安全之農業創新研究—102年度成果發表暨研討會論文集。
>黃國慶、詹士樑 (2013),整合規劃模型在都市周邊農地應用之研究,第十一屆土地研究學術研討會,臺北三峽。
>楊重信、黃國慶 (2012),都市擁擠對房租、住宅規模與居住密度之影響,2012年海峽兩岸區域科學交流研討會,臺北:國立政治大學。
>詹士樑、黃于芳、黃國慶 (2009),農地分區劃設與績效管制應用之研究,農地利用管理法制研討會:臺北。
>楊重信、黃國慶 (2007),臺灣城市群與廠商區位之實證,「2007年第十四屆海峽兩岸城市發展研討會論文集」,廈門。
>黃國慶、李承嘉、詹士樑、葉大綱 (2020),109年度推動氣候變遷下農地資源空間規劃之農地調適策略計畫,農委會農業管理計畫。
>古宜靈、黃國慶 (2020),原台金公司濂洞廠區及廢煙道區整治場址活化利用規劃案,臺灣電力股份有限公司委託計畫。
>黃國慶、李承嘉、詹士樑、葉大綱 (2019),108年度推動氣候變遷下農地資源空間規劃之農地調適策略計畫,農委會農業管理計畫。
>黃國慶、詹士樑 (2019),氣候變遷下農村社區調適指標與政策研擬之研究,水保局創新研究計畫。
>葉佳宗、劉小蘭、詹士樑、陳維斌、林映辰、黃國慶 (2019),農地資源空間規劃總顧問指導計畫,農委會農業管理計畫。
>李承嘉、詹士樑、葉大綱、黃國慶 (2018),107年度推動氣候變遷下農地資源空間規劃之農地調適策略計畫,農委會農業管理計畫。