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Assistant Professor
Department of Urban Development


Ph.D. in Geography, University of Leeds
Master’s in Architecture, National Cheng Kung University

Architecture and Public Art
Urban Theory and Urban Design
Architectural Planning and Design
Culture-Oriented Urban Development Policies
Social Housing Policies and Post-Occupancy Evaluation

Civil Engineer, Department of Urban Development, Taipei City Government

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Development, University of Taipei

Lecturer, New Thinking for Sustainable Urban Governance Series by the Foundation for Future Generations

Member, Urban Renewal Fund Management Committee, Keelung City Government

Member, Keelung City Land Use Planning Review Committee

Execution Group Member, Public Art Project, Taipei City Market Administration Office

Member, Keelung City Urban Planning Project


>劉惠芳 (2023) 社會參與導入建築教學實踐研究初探:以城鄉規劃課為例,第35屆建築研究成果發表會暨第7屆全國建築設計教學與建築教育論壇:論文集 (ISBN 978-986-95901-9-8)。臺灣建築學會,國立高雄大學建築學系,2023/5/27。

>Hui-Fang, Liu (2022) Art Intervenes in Urban Governance: A Case Study of Public Art in public Houses in Taipei, 2022 The Asia Pacific Network for Cultural Education and Research, Singapore

>Hui-Fang, Liu (2022) Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on Urban Cultural Governance: A Literature Review and Preliminary Research Agenda, 文化的軌跡, 臺北

>Hui-Fang, Liu, (2022) A Preliminary Study on the Post-Occupation Evaluation of the Public Housing from the Users’Viewpoint: Taking Taoyuan Public Housing as an Example, 2022 中華民國都市計劃學會、中華民國區域科學學會、中華民國地區發展學會、中華民國住宅學會、中華城市管理學會2022聯合年會暨論文研討會, 臺北

>鄭人豪、劉惠芳 (2022) 運用關鍵滿意度調查法分析租金補貼受眾居住環境品質-以T市為例,2022中華民國都市計劃學會、區域科學學會、地區發展學會、住宅學會、中華城市管理學會聯合年會暨論文研討會。

>劉惠芳 (2022) 文化作為永續都市空間治理之前力與挑戰2022科技變革與永續公共治理論壇,臺北。

>H.F., L. (2016). A dreamy exotic place or nightmare? A case study of creative city urban regeneration policy in Taipei. ICCPR, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CULTURAL POLICY RESEARCH. South Kore, Seoul.

>H.F., L. (2015). Policy mobilities and Criative City policies in Asia cities. Geography Postgraduate Conference. Leeds, UK.

>H.F., L. (2014). Literatal review and critique on mobile culture-led urban policies. AAG (American Association of Geographers). USA, Florida.


>國科會,112年度專題研究計畫 (一般研究計畫) ,淨零轉型下能源平等與脆弱群體-社宅利害關係人溝通(計畫編號:112-2410-H-034-027-) 計畫主持人。

>教育部111-112學年度教育部教學實踐研究計畫 (2年期,111-113) 計畫主持人文化導向都市再生:後疫情時代空間治理教學計畫 (計畫編號:PSR1110125 執行起迄:2022/8/1-2024/7/31)

