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Associate Professor
Department of Visual Arts


Ph.D. in Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University
Master’s in Design, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Product Design
User Experience
Materials and Design
Human-Computer Interface Design
Introduction to Cultural and Creative Industries

Head, Curriculum and Teaching Division, Center of General Education, University of Taipei · 2023 - Present)

Associate Professor, Department of Visual Arts, University of Taipei · 2024 - Present)

Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Arts, University of Taipei · 2019 - 2024)

Assistant Professor, Department of Information Communication, Yuan Ze University · 2016 - 2019)

Adjunct Teacher, Department of Industrial Design, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology · 2014 - 2016)

Adjunct Teacher, Department of Industrial Design, National United University · 2013 - 2015)


>Luh, D. -B., Li, E. C., & Dai, C. -C. (2017). Game Factors Influencing Players to Continue Playing Online Pets. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 9(3), 267-276. (SCIE).

>Li, E. C. & Luh, D. -B. (2017). Effect of Game Motivation on Flow Experience and Companionship: The Online Pet Games as the Example. Interaction Studies, 18(1), 95-115. (SSCI).

>Luh, D. -B., Li, E. C., & Kao, Y. -J. (2015). The Development of a Companionship Scale for Artificial Pets. Interacting with Computers, 27(2), 189-201. (SCI, SSCI).

>Tsai, Y. S., Li, E. C., & Yeh, C. -L. (2021).  The Effect of User Interface on Experiential Value for E-Book Platforms Users. Proceedings of 23th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2021), LNCS 12780, pp. 647–660. Washington D.C., USA.

>Li, E. C., Chen, S. -Y., Lin, Y. -S., Lee, Y -Z., Huang, Y. -C., Wen, J. -Y., & Syu, F. -Y. (2020). Using a Playability Scale to Modify Mobile Games for Reducing Players’ Addictive Intention: A Mobile Game as an Example.. The 2020 International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER 2020), Tokyo, Japan.

>Bakar, M. A., Hsueh, H. H., Tsai, Y. -T., & Li, E. C. (2020). CrowbarLimbs: A Fatigue-reducing VR Typing System. ACM SIGGRAPH 2020 (The 47th International Conference & Exhibition on Computer Graphic & Interactive Techniques), Washington D.C., USA.

>Wu, S. -C. & Li, E. C. (2019). Using a Mobile Phone App as a Teaching Aid for Aesthetics Education: Case Study of a Photography Course at a Taiwanese Junior High School. International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom.

>Li, E. C., Liang, Y. -W., Lu, H. -N., & Chen, J. -Y. (2018). The Effect of Character Design on Character Identification for Mobile Games. The 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018), AISC 824, pp. 97-106, Florence, Italy.

>Li, E. C. & Luh, D. -B. (2017). Effect of Playing Factors and Playing History on Game Flow and Companionship Levels for Online Pets. Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2017), pp. 428-442, Vancouver, Canada.

>Li, E. C. & Luh, D. -B. (2015). The relationship of flow level and companionship level for online pet games. Proceedings of 2015 The International Conference on Applied System and Innovation (ICASI 2015), CD format, Osaka, Japan.

>陳志洪、李佳穎、齊珮芸 (2020)。擴增實境輔助拼圖學習系統對學習成效、學習動機與學習興趣之影響。教育傳播與科技研究,123期,頁21-38。

>李佳穎、陳建雄 (2016)。網路書店使用者介面之資訊呈現與商品圖片型式對使用性之影響。設計學年刊,4期,頁146-166。

>蔡晏姍、李佳穎、葉志良 (2021)。電子書平台介面設計對使用者經驗與購買意圖之影響。2021中華民國設計學會第26屆學術研究成果研討會。桃園市。

>呂昕妮、李佳穎 (通訊作者) (2019)。以科技接受模式探討記帳應用程式之獎懲機制設計。2019中華民國設計學會第24屆學術研究成果研討會 (最佳論文獎)。臺中市。

>蔡晏珊、李佳穎 (2018)。以科技接受模式探討自費出版電子書的購買意願。2018年臺灣資訊社會研究學會年會暨論文研討會 (學生論文競賽佳作),新竹市。


>李佳穎 (主持人)。(2021/8-2022/7)。情緒牌卡的視覺設計準則建立與評估 (I)。MOST 110-2410-H-845-018

>李佳穎 (主持人)。(2020/8-2021/10)。數位著色畫創作模式對壓力知覺與創造力之影響。MOST 109-2410-H-845-004

>李佳穎 (主持人)。(2018/8-2019/10)。手機遊戲可玩性設計對遊戲成癮之影響。MOST 107-2410-H-155-033

>李佳穎 (主持人)。(2017/8-2018/10)。健康健身類手機應用程式遊戲化設計對使用意圖之影響。MOST 106-2410-H-155-031

>李佳穎 (主持人)。(2016/11-2017/10)。手機遊戲玩家對遊戲角色認同與遊戲可玩性之研究。MOST 105-2410-H-155-058