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Department of Exercise and Health Sciences


Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology, Southern Cross University
Master’s in Exercise Science, Brunel University

Digital Health
Soccer Science
Exercise Fatigue Recovery
Advanced Physical Fitness
Exercise and Fitness Coaching
Health and Human Science Research

R&D Director, Research and Development Office, University of Taipei

Professor, Department of Exercise and Health Sciences, University of Taipei

Associate Professor, Department of Exercise and Health Sciences, University of Taipei

Assistant Professor, Department of Exercise and Health Sciences, University of Taipei

Committee Member, Human Research Ethics Committee, University of Taipei

Editorial Board Member, Peer J Life and Environment

Review and Editorial Member, Frontiers in Physiology & Frontiers in Psychology

Editorial Member, The Open Sports Science Journal

Lecturer, Futsal Coaching, Asian Football Confederation

Lecturer, Coaching, Chinese Taipei Football Association

Teaching Assistant, Southern Cross University

Deputy Secretary General, Chinese Taipei Football Association

Technical Committee Member, East Asian Football Federation


>Tseng Yen-Ju, Leicht S Anthony, Pagaduan Jeffrey Cayaban, Chien Ling-Chu, Wang Ying-Lin, Kao Chi-Sian, Lu Wei-Szu, & Chen Yung-Sheng* (2024). Effects of shift work on sleep quality and cardiovascular function in Taiwanese police officers. Chronobiology International DOI: 10.1080/07420528.2024.2324023.

>González-Fernández Francisco Tomás,, Silva Rui Miguel, Ceylan Halil Ibrahim,, Clemente Filipe Manuel, Bezzara Pedro, & Chen Yung-Sheng* (2024). Relationships between physical fitness and match running demands during a futsal congested-weeks training camp. Biology of Sport, 41(4). DOI:https://doi.org/10.5114/biolsport.2024.134760.

>Chiu Yi-Wen, Silva Rui Miguel, Ceylan Halil Ibrahim, González-Fernández Francisco Tomás, Clemente Filipe Manuel, & Chen Yung-Sheng* (2024). Relationships between physical fitness, external load, and heart rate recovery: A study on futsal players during an overseas congested-weeks training camp. Journal of Human Kinetics, 92. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5114/jhk/176299.

>Rekik Ghazi., Jouira, Ghada., Belkhir Yosra, Jarraya Mohamed, Kuo ChengDeng, & Chen Yung-Sheng. (2023). The effect of dynamic versus static visualizations on acquisition of basketball game actions: a diurnal study. Scientific Reports, 13, 18077. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-45278-x.

>Hsu Kate*, Tseng Wei-Chin*, Chen Li-Yang, Chen Pin-Lung, Lu Yu-Xian, Chen, Yung-Sheng, Tseng Kuo-Wei, & Swenson, Erik R. (2023). Effects of greater erythroid Cl- /HCO3 - transporter (Band 3) expression on ventilation and gas exchange during exhaustive exercise. American Journal of PhysiologyLung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 324: L825–L835.

>Pagaduan Jeffrey Cayaban *, Washif Jad Adrian, Krug Isabel, Ammar Achraf, Saad Helmi Ben, James Carl, Cortis Cristina, Trabelsi Khaled, Haddad Monoem, Bok Daniel, Hassanmirzaei Bahar, Mataruna-Dos-Santos Leonardo Jose, PérezGómez Jorge, Farooq Abdulaziz, Chen Yung-Sheng, Gastin Paul, & Chamari Karim (2022). Training practices of Filipino athletes during the early COVID-19 lockdown, Kinesiology, 54(2), 335-346.

>Li Wen-Tsai, Chen Yung-Sheng, & Wang Hung-Cheng* (2022). Physical performance and technical analysis of Chinese Taipei men’s team home and away matches in 2023 Asian Cup Qualification. Journal of Sport Research, 31(2), 113-130. (Chinese version)

>Pagaduan Jeffrey Cayaban *, Chen Yung-Sheng, Fell James, & Wu Sam Shi Xuan (2022). A preliminary systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of heart rate variability biofeedback on heart rate variability and respiration of athletes. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 19(4), 817-826.

>Clemente Filipe Manuel, Silva Ana Filipa, Kawczyński Adam, Yıldız Mehmet, Chen Yung-Sheng, Birlik Sabri, Nobari Hadi*, & Zeki Akyildiz. (2022). Physiological and locomotor demands during small-sided games are related to match demands and physical fitness? A study conducted on youth soccer players. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 14, 138. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13102-022-00535-w

>Aydi Bilel, Selmi Okba, Souissi Mohamed A, Hajer Sahli, Rekik Ghazi, Crowley-McHattan Zachary J, Pagaduan Jeffrey Cayaban, Muscella Antonella, Zghibi Makram, & Chen Yung-Sheng*. (2022). The effects of verbal encouragement during a soccer dribbling circuit on pphysical and psychophysiological rresponses: An exploratory study in a physical education setting. Children, 9, 907. https://doi.org/10.3390/children9060907

>Wang Hung-Tsung, Chen Yung-Sheng, Rekik Ghazi, Yang Chia-Chen, Lai Mao-Sheng, & Tai Hsia-Ling. (2022). The effect of listening to preferred music after a stressful task on performance and psychophysiological responses in collegiate golfers. PeerJ. 10:e13557 http://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.13557

>Silva Ana Filipa, González-Fernández Francisco Tomás, Ceylan Halil Ibrahim, Silva Rui, Younesi Saeid, Chen Yung-Sheng, Badicu Georgian, Wolański Paweł, Murawska-Ciałowicz Eugenia, & Clemente Filipe Manuel. (2022). Relationships between fitness status and blood biomarkers in professional soccer players. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 5135817.

>Chen Yung-Sheng, Clemente Filipe Manuel, Pagaduan Jeffrey Cayaban, Crowley-McHattan Zachary J, Lu Yu-Xian, Chien Chia-Hua, Bezerra Pedro, Chiu Yi-Wen, & Kuo Cheng-Deng* (2022). Relationships between perceived measures of internal load and wellness status during overseas futsal training camps. Plos One, 17(4): e0267227.

>Mezghanni Nourthen, Rekik Ghazi, Crowley-McHattan Zachary J, Belkhir Yosra, Ayed Ben Rayda, Haddadi Atyh, Alzahrani Turki Mohsen, Kuo ChengDeng, & Chen Yung-Sheng* (2022). Using coordinated visual and verbal cues in complex multimedia materials to improve tactical learning in soccer. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,19(6), 3365. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19063365

>Souissi Nefaa, Rekik Ghazi, Belkhir Yosra, Kuo Cheng-Deng, & Chen YungSheng (2022). Dynamic visual support is superior to its static counterpart in learning a series of Judo refereeing gestures. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 20(5), 1316-1329.

>Nobari Hadi*, Chen Yung-Sheng, Kargarfard Mehdi, Clemente Filipe Manuel, Vivas Jorge Carlos, & Gómeze Jorge Pérez. (2022). Comparisons of accelerometer variables acute, chronic and acute/chronic workload ratio between starters and non-starters: a full-season study in professional soccer players. Science & Sports, 37(2), 149-e1-142.e12.

>Silva Ana Filipa, González-Fernández Francisco Tomás, Oliveira Rafael, Clemente Filipe Manuel, Bezerra Pedro, Hung Chin-Hwai, Chiu Yi-Wen, Kuo Cheng-Deng, Yung Sheng Chen*. (2022). Selected vs. non-selected under-20 national futsal players: Differences between physical performance and training intensity experienced in training camps. Biology, 11(3), 434. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology11030434

>Lu Yu-Xian, Clemente Filipe Manuel, Bezerra Pedro, Crowley-McHattan Zachary J, Cheng Shih-Chung, Chien Chia-Hua, Kuo Cheng-Deng* & Chen Yung-Sheng* (2022). Quantification of respiratory and muscular perceived exertions as perceived measures of internal loads during domestic and overseas training camps in elite futsal players. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 751030.

>Chiu Yi-Wen, Clemente Filipe Manuel, Bezerra Pedro, Pagaduan Jeffrey Cayaban, & Chen Yung-Sheng* (2022). Day-to-day variation of heart rate, heart rate variability and energy expenditure during FIFA 11+ and dynamic warm-up exercises. Journal of Human Kinetics, 81, 73-84.

>Chen Yung-Sheng, Lin Yi-Ying, Shih, Chun-Che, & Kuo Cheng-Deng* (2021). Relationship between heart rate variability and pulse rate variability measures in patients after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Frontier in Cardiovascular Medicine, 8, 749297.

>Clemente Filipe Manuel*, González-Fernández Francisco Tomás, Ceylan Halil Ibrahim, Silva Rui, Younesi Saeid, Chen Yung-Sheng, Badicu Georgian, Wolański Paweł, & Murawska-Ciałowicz Eugenia (2021). Blood biomarkers variations across the preseason and interactions with training load: A study in professional soccer players. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(23), 5576.

>Rekik Ghazi, Belkhir Yosra, Mezghanni Nourhen, Jarraya Mohamed, Chen Yung-Sheng*, & Kuo Cheng-Deng* (2021). Learning basketball tactical actions from video modeling and static pictures: When gender matters. Children, 18(11), 1060.

>Chen Chia-Hui, Rekik Ghazi, Belkhir Yosra, Huang Ya-Ling, & Chen YungSheng* (2021). Gender differences in attention adaptation after an 8-week FIFA 11+ for Kids training program in elementary school children. Children. 18(9), 822.

>Chen Yung-Sheng, Pagaduan Jeffrey Cayaban, Lu Wan-An, & Kuo Cheng-Deng* (2021). Acute Effects of foot reflexology massage on arterial pulse wave after aerobic-based and anaerobic-based intermittent exercises: A preliminary study. The Open Sports Sciences Journal, 14, 34-42.

>Silva Rui, Ceylan Halil Ibrahim, Badicu Georgian*, Nobari Hadi, Afonso Sílvio Carvalho, Sant’ana Tiago, Mendes Bruno, Chen Yung-Sheng, & Clemente Filipe Manuel (2021). Match-to-match variations in external load measures during congested weeks in professional male soccer players. Journal of Men’s Health.doi:10.31083/jomh.2021.063

>Tseng Wen-Yan, Rekik Ghazi, Chia-Hui Chen, Clemente Filipe Manuel, Bezerra Pedro, Crowley-McHattan Zachary J, & Chen Yung-Sheng* (2021). Effect of 8-weeks FIFA 11+ for kids intervention on physical fitness and attention in elementary school children. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 18(6), 686- 693.

>Chen Yung-Sheng, Zhou Shi, Crowley-McHattan Zachary J, Bezerra Pedro, Tseng Wei-Chin, Chen Che-Hsiu, & Ye Xin* (2021). Acute effects of kinesiology taping stretch tensions on soleus and gastrocnemius H-reflex modulations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9), 4411.

>Chen Yung-Sheng*, Tseng Wei-Chin, Chen Che-Hsiu, & Lu Yu-Xian (2021). Moderate kinesio taping stretch tension produced good inter-day reliability of dosiflexion joint position sense measurement. Gazzetta Medica Italiana - Archivio per le Scienze Mediche, 180(1-2), 35-42.

>Pagaduan Jeffrey Cayaban* & Chen Yung-Sheng (2021). Validity of Pulse Express PRO in measurement of heart rate variability. German Journal of Exercise and Sports Research.

>Chen Yung-Sheng, Pagaduan Jeffrey Cayaban, Bezerra Pedro, CrowleyMcHattan Zachary J, Kuo Cheng-Deng*, & Clemente Filipe Manuel* (2021). Agreements of ultra-short-term heart rate variability recordings during overseas training camps in under-20 national futsal players. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 621399.

>Lu Wan-An, Lin Jui-Feng, Wang Chen-Hsu, Chen Yung-Sheng, Shieh YingHua, & Kuo Cheng-Deng* (2021). Cross-spectral analysis of electrocardiographic and nostril airflow signals identifies two respiratory frequencies of heart rate modulation. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2021, 6636829.

>Clemente Filipe Manuel, Silva Rui, Chen Yung-Sheng, Aquino Rodrigo, Praça Gibson Moreira, Paulis Julen Castellano, Nobari Hadi, Mendes Bruno, Rosemann Thomas, & Knechtle Beat* (2021). Accelerometry-workload indices concerning different levels of participation during congested fixture periods in professional soccer: A pilot study conducted over a full-season. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 1137.

>Pagaduan Jeffrey Cayaban*, Wu Sam Shi Xuan, Fell James, & Chen YungSheng (2021). Effect of acute heart rate variability biofeedback on H-reflex modulation: A pilot study. Journal of Human Kinetics, 76, 83-88.

>Rekik Ghazi, Belkhir Yosra, Jarraya Mohamed, Bouzid Mohamed Amine, Chen Yung-Sheng*, & Kuo Cheng-Deng* (2021). Uncovering the effects of different instructional designs when learning tactical scenes of play through dynamic visualizations: A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1), 256.

>Wang Hung-Tsung, Tai Hsia-Ling*, Yang Chia-Chen, & Chen Yung-Sheng (2020). Acute effects of self-selected music intervention on golf performance and anxiety level in collegiate golfers: A crossover study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(20), 7478.

>Lu Wan-An, Chen Yung-Sheng, Wang Chun-Hsiung, & Kuo Cheng-Deng* (2020). Effect of a single session of Tai Chi Chuan practice on glucose and lipid metabolism and related hormones. Life, 10(8), 145.

>Iao Ka-Lok, Chen Yung-Sheng*, Lu Wan-An, & Bezerra Pedro (2020). Acute effects of self-selected music intervention on recovery of autonomic functions and anxiety after submaximal intensity of short-term cycling. International Multidisciplinary Journal CREA, 1, 51-63.

>Chen Yung-Sheng, Tseng Wei-Chin, Chen Che-Hsiu, Bezerra Pedro, & Ye Xin* (2020). Acute effects of kinesiology tape tension on soleus muscle H-reflex modulations during lying and standing postures. Plos One, 15(7), e0236587.

>Chen Yung-Sheng, Lu Wan-An, Pagaduan Jeffrey Cayaban, & Kuo ChengDeng* (2020). A novel smartphone app for the measurement of ultra–short-term and short-term heart rate variability: Validity and reliability study. JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth, 8(7), e18761.

>Clemente Filipe Manuel* , Silva Rui, Ramirez-Campillo Rodrigo, Afonso José, Mendes Bruno, & Chen Yung-Sheng (2020). Accelerometry-based variables in professional soccer players: Comparisons between periods of the season and playing positions Biology of Sport, 37(4), 389-403.


>Chen YS (2022). Field-based Tests for Soccer Players. SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology. Springer Nature.

>Chen YS & Zhou S. (2012). H-reflex assessment as a tool for understanding motor functions in postural control. In A. M. Wright, & S. D. Rothenberg (Eds.), Posture: Types, Assessment, and Control (pp. 155 -174). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

>陳永盛 (2022) 新興運動大蒐集-五人制足球:泰宇。

>陳永盛 (2014) 足球年度訓練指南:冠唐國際圖書。